Monday, June 7, 2010

Update on Siza

We asked our good friend Danisa in Zimbabwe (also the bishop of the BICC church there) to help us figure out how to help Siza. He contacted her with the phone number she gave in the letter and met with her today. He feels the best thing for her is to attend a boarding school to finish off high school as where she is living isn't the best environment. He is going to look into finding her a place and we're committed to helping make that happen. Educating girls is something I strongly believe in (see the video) and I hope she is able to return to school soon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


This is Siza, a very special girl I met at an orphan camp we helped run in Zimbabwe in 2006. I visited her several times at her rural school and before we moved home I left her a few gifts and my address, never expecting to hear from her. Yesterday, I got a letter from her asking for help as she's had to drop out of school because she can't pay the fees. She wants to be a pilot or a doctor and said she wants to come live with me. My heart breaks for her and I'm doing what I can to figure out how to help. She has so much potential. A good reminder that there are so many people who have worries so much greater than mine. Probably just paying for postage on the letter was a very big deal for her. Puts things in perspective!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


As I look back over the past 37 weeks I am extremely grateful. Especially since I'm high-risk with twins, I've had a relatively easy and uneventful pregnancy....

- My morning sickness didn't start until 9 weeks and was easily tamed by a great drug called Diclectin
- I've had no bleeding or strange cramping
- I've been able to avoid bed rest, something I was definitely expecting by the end
- All of my ultrasounds have shown no complications
- The babies have been head down for weeks and weeks (please don't turn on me now!!)
- It looks like I'll be able to at least attempt a vaginal birth which has been my hope, but certainly not my expectation, since the beginning
- My blood pressure and sugar levels have been fine and my low iron has been taken care of with some pills and lots of steak! (who can complain about that!!)
- I was able to work until the end of 31 weeks
- I continue to have enough energy to walk around, do some things around the house and get out once a day

I know complications are common in pregnancy and I've had many people in my life who have experienced them. Thankfully most have turned out fine and they have eventually carried or are carrying healthy babies. I certainly had the potential for my share of challenges and am extremely thankful for how smoothly my pregnancy has gone. I have loved being pregnant. It is kind of a strange thing growing two little people inside of me, but I have loved feeling their kicks and movements as they've grown. Will I miss it? I don't know. I feel ready to have my body back, but have loved the opportunity to house my two little ones as they've gotten ready for the world.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It is a crazy feeling to be so close to giving birth. We'll officially set the date at my last OB appointment on Thursday, but I will likely be induced a week today if I don't go into labour on my own before then. But really, it could happen at any moment. In an instant, my life is going to change dramatically. We will go from a family of two to a family of four. We will have two little people we are responsible for feeding, changing, clothing, teaching and loving. And they will be our children for the rest of our lives.

Everyone says to just try and survive the first few months with twins. They are the hardest and then apparently it gets a bit easier. Sometimes I forget that it doesn't end after that. We'll just be in a new phase and the adventures will continue....crawling, walking, talking, potty training, school, vacations, discipline etc. etc. Wow! How do you prepare for something like this? I really don't know if you can.

I'm so excited to meet my babies, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit scared at the huge responsibility I'm about to take on as a parent. I don't know how to parent one child, let alone two! Thankfully Joel and I both grew up with great examples and have the support of our amazing family and friends. We'll make mistakes, we'll learn and we'll settle into life as four. I'm sure it won't be long before it all feels quite normal. But sitting on this side of it and knowing the countdown is on, it's all a little bit overwhelming!